QLD Arborist Reports

We provide arborist reports in QLD. We have both the equipment and experience needed for this type of work.

expert witness assurance trees

Queensland Arborist Reports

Back in the day, way back in past centuries before man had learned how to fashion tools out of metal and thereby developed machinery, trees were safe from us. Our distant ancestors used fallen wood to make fire – the state-of-the-art technology of the time – but trying to destroy a tree using nothing but rocks and brute strength was a tough proposition.

In those days there was no need for an Arborist Report in Queensland or anywhere else, because trees were just there, and mankind had to work around them and with them. They learned how to climb them and were grateful for the fruit and nuts they produced and the shade they provided in hot weather. And if they became old and rotten, the branches fell off or the whole thing collapsed, and Joe Primitive just got out of the way.

Then came axes and, eventually, the industrial revolution and the invention of saws, which made trees vulnerable to the will of man, but also gave compassionate individuals the ability to treat them. It was the beginning of arboriculture but also the start of destruction that would go unchecked until scientists noticed a link between the decimation of the rainforests and damage to the previously unheard-of “environment”.

While wooden buildings were a natural and understandable development, a step up from caves, our appetite for timber and ignorance of the consequences wreaked havoc.

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How an Arborist Report in Queensland can Ensure The Right Decision is Made

Fortunately, in this enlightened day and age, we are mindful of the need to preserve nature, and that is the whole raison d’etre of companies like ours: Assurance Trees. When we produce a tree report in Queensland, we can be assessing the health and structural integrity of a tree with a view to fixing or healing it, or we can be providing information to back someone’s request to have a tree removed and making sure this is okay with a arboricultural impact assessment report. Impartiality is the name of the game, and we use our vast knowledge and expertise to help individuals and corporate bodies to make informed decisions.

An arborist tree report in Queensland is the presentation of the findings of an expert assessment of a tree or group of trees, and it is carried out by an arborist – AKA tree surgeon. Our expertise goes all the way to the supreme qualification of aqf level 5 arborist – AKA cert 5 arborist – and that degree of knowledge is valued to the extent that local councils insist on it and courts of law use such specialists as expert witnesses in cases where trees are involved.

You may love trees but, but when someone else’s causes injury to your family or damage to your property, you will want justice, and somebody has to be the arbiter. That’s why getting an arborist tree report is so important.

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Where Can I Get an Arborist Tree Report in Queensland?

You can start right here. Fill in the online form or give us a call, let us know what your concerns are and we’ll be at your service promptly.

We also offer arborist tree report in New South Wales & arborist tree reports in Victoria.
