VIC Arborist Reports

We provide arborist reports in VIC. We have both the equipment and experience needed for this type of work.

tree reports newcastle

Arborist Tree Reports in Victoria

When the fate of a tree is to be decided, it’s time to call an expert in tree risk management, and that means getting an arborist tree report in Victoria. An arborist is that expert, but there are degrees of seniority, the highest of which is an AQF level 5 arborist, and we are proud to say that at Assurance Trees we can provide you with access to such expertise; we can get you talking to an AQF5 arborist consultant, who, if necessary, will visit the site and produce a VIC arborist tree report.

We say “if necessary” because many of our customers require services that our other dedicated staff members can provide, but if your case needs one of the most highly qualified professionals in the country, that’s what you will have.

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What Circumstances Require an Arborist Tree Report in Victoria?

Let’s say it’s your tree and you’re worried about its health and how things are going to go a few years down the line. You will want more than the glib assurances of a well-meaning amateur. You will want the reassurance that only an arborist tree report in Victoria can bring. 

We will get up there and examine this precious thing for disease and damage, provide treatment if that is called for, recommend ways of nourishing it and nurturing it back to health and advise you on how to ensure its welfare in future.

You may have a root problem that requires action, whether that is pruning the roots (a potentially harmful and highly specialised procedure requiring a tree pruning risk assessment) or installing a barrier underground to keep them away from a building or vulnerable area. This is the kind of issue that can go undetected until it’s too late, so prevention is better than cure, and only an expert arboricultural impact assessment report can alert you to the danger.

arboricultural impact assessment upper hunter

Someone is Out to Get My Tree

The other side of the coin is when someone wants to remove a tree. If it’s somebody else’s tree and it’s blocking the sunlight or the branches are overhanging your property, or maybe the roots are undermining your wall or wrecking your paved path, just asking nicely may not produce the desired result. 

You may have to go to arbitration, in which case a VIC arborist report will be needed to support your request. If it goes to court, a top expert may be needed as an expert witness.

It may sound like the kind of thing a tree-hugger would say, but trees have rights, and some have a status in the local area that can put them on the same level as protected buildings, i.e. they are deemed important for reasons of age, beauty, rarity or historical significance and can’t be touched. 

Just as you couldn’t knock down the historic west wing of your imposing historic home and stick a uPVC conservatory there instead, so a noble old tree may have a status that renders it untouchable. A case will have to be presented to the relevant authority, and that will need to be backed up by an arborist report in Victoria.

tree shade benefit hunter valley

How can I arrange a VIC Arborist Tree Report?

Call us or use the online form, tell us what your issue is – cut it down, fix it or leave it alone – and we’ll help you to get it sorted promptly. 

Arborist tree report in New South Wales & arborist tree reports in Queensland.
