Expert Witness

expert witness assurance trees

Tailored To Provide Invaluable Support

As an arboreal expert witness, our services are tailored to provide invaluable support in legal proceedings, ensuring that the court receives accurate and reliable information to make well-informed decisions. Upholding the highest standards of objectivity and integrity, we adhere strictly to the legal guidelines governing expert witness testimony in New South Wales, including the Uniform Civil Procedure Rules (UCPR).

Our Expertise Encompasses a Wide Range of Disciplines That May Be Essential to Your Case

Tree identification, with precise allocation of numbers and botanical names. Detailed measurements of tree dimensions, including height, canopy spread, and trunk diameter at breast height (DBH).

Assessment of tree protection zones (TPZ) and structural root zones (SRZ) to determine preservation requirements.

Evaluation of tree significance, useful life expectancy, and priority for retention.

Detailed investigations into tree structure, decay and strength factors.

Comprehensive analysis of tree condition, encompassing health, structure, age class, and identification of any visible defects.

Estimating Tree Values.

Risk assessment, with thorough analysis of potential harm, risk ratings, and recommended mitigation strategies.

Our commitment to upholding the Expert Witness Code of Conduct, as outlined in Schedule 7 of the UCPR, ensures that our testimony is unbiased, ethical, and credible. We also comply with relevant UCPR provisions, the Joint Expert Report Policy, and the Conference of Expert Witnesses Policy of the Court to deliver testimony that withstands legal scrutiny and supports your case effectively.